The board game we created was called French Roulette. The object of the game is to make your way around the board, and whoever reaches the finish line is the winner. Every space on the board is color coded, each color specifying what category of question you will be asked. The categories are all related to the main theme, which was Movies and Entertainment. If you answer the question correctly, then you stay on the space that you landed on. If you answer it incorrectly, you must spin a pointer around and if it lands facing you, then you have to go back to the beginning of the board.

                The work I contributed to the making of the game was the majority of the translation and writing of the questions.  There were 25 questions altogether, and five categories. I also helped with the coloring of the board.

                While making the game, I learned more about the French vocabulary involving movies and entertainment. I also learned how to compromise ideas with others in my group.

                Overall, I think our game was okay. It could have had questions that were more difficult and a higher amount of questions in each category, but it was still fun to play. 


Infinitive: the basic form of a verb, without an inflection
  binding it to a particular subject or

Conjugated: a conjugated verb is a verb that has been altered
from its base form

ER/IR/RE verbs: Verbs that follow a regular pattern. Their
  infinitives end in ER, IR, or RE.

Present tense verbs: Verbs that are in the present tense.



J’ai = I have                                        
Nous avons = We have

Tu as = You have                              
Vous avez = You have                   

Il/elle/on à = has                            
Ils/Elles ont = They have

  1. Hailey à une chat.

  2. Hailey et Max avons deux

Etre :

Je suis = I am                                     
Nous sommes = we are                

Tu es = You are                                 
Vous etes = you are                       

Il est = He/it is                                  
Ils sont = They are

Elle est = She/it is                           
Elles sont = They are

  1. Xavier est 

  2. Azmere et Xavier sommes malades et


Je vais = I go                                      
Nous allons = We go

Tu vas = You go                                
Vous allez = You go

Il/elle/on allons = He/she/one goes                      
Ils/elles vont = They go

  1. Max allons

  2. Max et Xavier allons à notre


Je fais = I do                                      
Nous faisons = We do

Tu fais = You do                                               
Vous faites = You do

Il/elle/on fait = He/she/one does                   
Ils/elles font = They do

  1. Jim fait soins.
  2. Jim et Cole font soins.


Je veux = I want                                               
Nous voulons = We want

Tu veux = You want                        
Vous voulez = You want

Il/elle/on veut = he/she/one
Ils/elles veulent = They

  1. Max veut un

  2. Max et Hailey voulons deux


Je peux = I am able to                   
Nous pouvons = We are able to

Tu peux = You are able to            
Vous voulez = You are able to

Il/elle/on pouvons= He/she/one is able to        
Ils/elles  veulent = They
are able to

  1. Victoria pouvons 

  2. Bob et Harold veulent


Je mets = I put                                  
Nous mettons = We put

Tu mets = You put                           
Vous mettez = You put

Il/elle/on met = he/she/one puts                          
Ils/elles mettent = They put

  1. Sally met un

  2. Nick et Sally mettent le chat un


Je vois = I see                                   
Nous voyons = we see

Tu vois = You see                            
Vous voyez = You see

Il/elle/on voit = he/she/one
Ils/elles voient = They

  1. Richard voit un chien.

  2.  Gerald et Richard voyez un chat.


Je crois = I believe                          
Nous croyons = We believe

Tu crois = You believe                   
Vous croyez = You believe

Il/elle/on croit = he/she/one believes 
Ils/elles croient = They believe

  1. Daniel croit aux

  2. Cody et Kyle croyons aux


Je sors = I go out                              
Nous sortons = We go out

Tu sors = You go out                       
Vous sortez = You go out

Il/elle/on sort = he/she/one goes out  
Ils/elles sortent = They go out

         1. Holly sort.

  1.  Holly et Polly sortons.


Je pars = I leave                                               
Nous partons = We leave

Tu pars = You leave                        
Vous partez = You leave

Il/elle/on part = he/she/one leaves      
Ils/elles partent = they leave

  1. Max part demain.

  2. Max et Hailey partons


Je dors = I sleep                                               
Nous dormons = We sleep

Tu dors = You sleep                        
Vous dormez = You sleep

Il/elle/on dort = He/she/one sleeps      
Ils/elles dorment = They sleep

  1. Mark dort toute la

  2. Leonard et Charlie dormon 


Je sers = I serve                                               
Nous servons = We serve

Tu sers = You serve                        
Vous servez = You serve

Il/elle/on sert = He/she/one serves      
Ils/elles servent = They serve

  1. Jesse sert le

  2. Jesse et Walt servent le


Je dis = I say                                      
Nous disons = We say

Tu dis = You say                                               
Vous dites = You say

Il/elle/on dit = He/she/one says                             
ils/elles disent = They say

  1. Ted dit que les chats sont

  2. Ted et Peter disent que les chiens sont


J’ ecris = I write                                
Nous ecrivons = we write

Tu ecris = you write                       
Vous ecrivez – you write

Il/elle/on ecrit = He/she/one writes     
Ils/elles ecrivent = they write

  1. Tim ecrit un

  2. Tim et Lisa ecrivent deux


Je lis = I read                                     
Nous lisons = We read

Tu lis = You read                              
Vous lisez = You read

Il/elle/on lit = He/she/one reads                            
Ils/elles  lisent= They

  1. Julie lit un

  2. Julie et Debbie lisent deux


Je bois = I drink                                
Nous buvons = We drink

You bois = You drink                      
Vous buvez = You drink

Il/elle/on boit = he/she/one drinks       
ils/elles boivent = They drink

  1. Jerry boit du

  2. Jerry et Harry boivent du


Je dois = I owe                                 
Nous devons = We owe

Tu dois = You owe                          
Vous devez = You owe

Il/elle/on doit = he/she/one
Ils/elles doivent = They

  1. Frank leur doit de

  2. Frank et Hank leur doivent de


Je recois = I receive                       
Nous recevons = We receive

Tu recois = You receive                
Vous recevez = You receive

Il/elle/on recoit = he/she/one receives               
Ils/elles recoivent = They

  1. Claire recoit un

  2. Claire et Phil recoivent deux    


Je me lave = I wash                        
Nous nous lavons = We

Tu te laves = You wash                 
Vous vous lavez = You

Il/elle/on se lave =
he/she/one washes              
Ils/elles lavent = They

  1. Spencer lave la

  2. Spencer et Doug lavent la


Je m’habille = I get
Nous nous habillons = We get

Tu t’habilles = You get
Vous vous habillez = You get

Il/elle/on s’habille =
He/she/one gets dressed Ils/elles
  habillent = They get dressed

  1. Dan s'habille la

  2. Dan et Carrie habillent la


ER Regular verbs –

Je parl –e = I speak                                         
Nous parl –ons = We speak

Tu parl –es = You speak                                
Vous parl –ez = You speak

Il/elle/on parl –e = He/she/one speaks
Ils/elles parl –ent = They speak

  1. Jake parl 

  2. Jake et Alan parlent 

IR Regular verbs

Je fin –is = I finish                                           
Nous fin + iss –ons = We finish

Tu fin –is = You finish                                    
Vous fin + iss –ez = You finish

Il/elle/on fin –it = He/she/one finishes               
Ils/elles fin + iss –ent = They

  1. Austin fin son travail

  2.  Austin et Chad finissent 

RE Regular verbs

Je vend –s = I sell                                            
Nous vends – ons = We sell

Tu vend –s = You sell                                     
Vous vends – ez = You sell

Il/elle/on vend --- = he/she/one sells  
Ils/elles vend –ent = They sell

  1. Ron vend de

  2. Ron et John vendent des

     The movie “Sicko” was a good and educating movie about the differences between the
  healthcare systems in the US, Canada, and in France. It was interesting to see
  both the upsides and the downsides to each form of healthcare, and it made me
  more aware of the problems the world faces, especially in America where their
  healthcare is not a good system at all. The movie showed real cases in which
  Americans were unable to receive the care they needed because they simply could
  not afford it, even if they had already purchased health insurance previously.
  Their health insurance comes at a great cost, if you are even allowed to
  purchase it at all, and is very unreliable. They spend more money looking for
  loopholes to get out of paying than they do actually helping their clients. A
  lot of the time Americans don’t even qualify for health insurance, deemed too
  unhealthy to receive coverage, for things as simple as being “too thin” or “too
  fat.” If they are permitted to purchase the insurance, they must pay ridiculous
  amounts of money to make that happen.
    In Canada, we have a much better system, but only in some ways. The
healthcare we receive is free but may not always be the best care, especially
compared to the quality Americans receive. The rich are taxed more heavily than
the poor, which is good in most cases, but not always. The rich usually work
hard for their money, and why should they be taxed for their hard work? On the
other hand, it is imperative in a society for the more well-off people to assist
the more unfortunate. But sometimes the poor don’t work at all and they are
rewarded with not having to pay taxes, making it difficult to deem whether or
not this system is truly the best. Overall, the Canadian healthcare system has
its flaws, but I believe that it is much better than the American healthcare
    The healthcare system in France is one of the best. Their government is
responsible for the financial and operational management of health insurance,
and generally refunds 70% of most healthcare costs, and 100% in case of costly
or long-term ailments. 
    The movie “Sicko” was very helpful in making us aware of the positive and
negative points in the healthcare systems. I rate it 7.5/10.

Quelle est la différence entre la système médical français et la
système américain?

    La système médical Français est bien meilleur que la système américain.
La système français donne bon et gratuit soins tandis que la système américain
est cher et douteux.   

Le film était au sujet de vengeance, le film était lent au début, mais accéléré. j'ai pensé que film était trés excellent. quelques scénes étaient ennuyeux mais il y avait aussi beaucoup d'action. il s'agit d'un le film d'action, le film d'aventures, et le drama. mon préféré un acteur était Guy Pierce, qui a joué Mondego. mon préféré une actrice était Dagmara Dominczyk, qui a joué Mercedés. le truguage était trés mal. un peu de théâtre était mauvais. j'ai bien aimé le film. j'ai pensé que le scéne ou Jacapo suavé était trés magnifique. je donnerais le film 7 sur 10. j'ai aimé les scénes qui n'étaient pas ennuyeux.
Name (First and Last Initial only please ***privacy): Hailey L.

Grade Level: 10

Website Address (URL) :
*** Follows format

*** If it does not follow format edit it in your Weebly settings please.

1)    Home Page:  (Includes original images, and brief description of the nature of the site)      4.5/5

2)    Journal Page: (Is in blog form, includes original image with a French, journal theme)       5/5

3)     Moi  - ( In page form – include image(s) or video that reflects you or your interests.       4/5

4)    Personal Dictionary –(In blog form, includes original image that has a French/dictionary theme)    5/5

5)    Notes – (In blog form, includes original image that has a French/notes theme)       4.5/5

6)    Projects –(In blog form, includes original image that has a French/projects  theme)       4.5/5  

7)    Links – ( In page form and includes links to and Mr Mark's website )       5/5

Total               /35

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