Je sais
Tu sais
il/elle/on sait
Nous savons
Vous savez
Ils/elles savent
Je connais
Tu connais
Il/elle/on connait
Nous conaissons
Vous connaissez
Ils/elles conaissent

Note the passé composé of these verbs: j'ai su, j'ai connu
You use savoir to indicate that you know a fact or that you know something by heart.
You use savoir + infinitive to indicate that you know how to do something.
Connaitre means "to know" in the sense of "to be acquainted with." You can use connaitre only with nouns-- people, places, and things. Compare the meanings of connaitre and savoir in the sentences below.

The pronouns me, te, nous, and vous are object pronouns.
Marie t'invite au theatre?            oui, elle m'invite au theatre.
Elle te parle au telephone?       oui, elle me parle au telephone.
le prof vous regarde?                  oui, il nous regarde.
il vous explique le lecon?           oui, nous explique la lecon.
The object pronoun me, te, nous, or vous always come right before the verb it is linked to.
In the morning

Dans la matinée je me réveille et je prends une douche. Aprés, je me mettre se maquille. Ensuite, je me brosse les dents et je me brosse les cheveux. Je m'habille et ensuite je me dépêcher à l'école. Je me suis tard.

In the afternoon

Dans l'aprés-midi je fais les devois. Ensuite, je mettre la télévision et zapper. Je débarrasser la table et je fais la vaisselle. Aprés, je vais me coucher.

À – sounds like “ah”

 –The circumflex, or the hat (î, â, ê) has absolutely no effect on pronunciation. All those advocating reform of the writing system are unanimously in favor of getting rid of it. There really aren't that many words that have the circumflex. Sometimes the circumflex marks the site of a lost s which existed in the original Latin version of the word, but over the centuries, as the language evolved and changed, was eventually dropped.

È - In most cases the grave accent (l'accent grave) has no effect on the pronunciation of a vowel. It is placed over the letter e when the next syllable is mute. There are a few cases when the grave accent does affect pronunciation - at least in some regions. In certain word endings, when it appears over the letter e, it causes the final syllable to be pronounced as [ɛ] as opposed to [e] (ie. dès vs des).

É - The acute accent (l'accent aigu) only appears above the letter e- é. Without the acute accent, the letter e is normally pronounced [ɛ] or [ə]. With the acute accent it is pronounced [e].

Number Codes Method

à ALT+0224

â ALT+0226

è ALT+0232

é ALT+0233

ê ALT+0234

î ALT+0238

ï ALT+0239

ô ALT+0244

Start Menu Method

> Go to the Start menu.
> Programs
> Accessories
> System Tools
> Character Map